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It’s IPA Day!

August 4, 2011

At first I wasn’t initially behind the concept of IPA Day. It seemed too gimmicky to me. Why do we need this? Do we need it? I thought we didn’t. In ways I still do, but as I’m sitting here sipping on my third IPA of the day, the wonderful Cannery IPA, I can’t help but support it. Yet, supporting it what I’ve done all day.

In my blogging absence I got a part-time/casual job with Draughtwise. A local company making sure Victoria has the best and cleanest draft lines, something the city needs. Well, I had put a couple of hours in with them this morning. I didn’t want to go back to my main job of demolition, so I stopped in at my favourite watering hole in Victoria, Moon Under Water, for a pint of IPA. They have such a lovely little IPA.

You might be thinking, “is Dave drinking before/during work?” Yes, yes I am. It’s okay, I’m my family is British. It’s highly acceptable behaviour over there. K.

After work I drove down to Spinnakers. Their daily cask was an Taboo Absinthe infused IPA. Yeah, you read that correctly. The brewer explained it to me thusly, a customer was drinking IPA and was decided to have some absinthe. She liked the combo. Next thing you know it’s International IPA Day and Spinnakers have a pin sized cask of their IPA with 4 oz of absinthe in it.

I found it almost too much absinthe, despite how little there was. Absinthe is powerful shit. If you paid attention the beer as you drank it the absinthe overpowered it. If you didn’t then you’d get drunk off a 7.1% IPA laced with Absinthe.

Just finished my very delicious Cannery IPA and wishing I bought a six-pack and not just a single bomber, and I still think I don’t support the idea of IPA Day, but that’s not going to stop me from enjoying it to the fullest.

What Dan!? What do you mean I have to blend a La Fin du Monde with Southern Tier’s Un*Earthly? That’s madness! I’ll won’t make to watch the Jersey Shore première later tonight…

From → Beer, Blog

  1. You son of a bitch. Post pictures if you do the unearthly fin blend. That might be perfect actually – as it has all the sugary oomph that the Red Racer lacked to really round it off.

  2. I love IPAs, the concept of IPA day sounds very interesting to me

  3. Lorraine permalink

    Thought you might like to know that Tin Whistle Brewery has been making a fresh (wet) hop beer using Grand Forks hops for 2 years now. (2010). It’s name is Penticton Harvst Honey Pale Ale. Delicious

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